Thursday, December 16, 2010

Week 13

Ok so as I said in the previous post I've been a little slack with the Learning 2.0/2.1 this year, but I have been keeping up with various computer and technology things and have maintained my blog over on LiveJournal.

One of the things that I didn't like about Blogspot when I orginally set up this blog was the limited designs that you could choose from. I'm pleased to say that the recent changes to this is all for the good! You can really let your imagintation run wild and create a blog layout that really suits YOU! The ability to really control the layout of the gadgets/widgets is also a big improvement, before the layout was fairly ridgit, but now you can have gadgets just about anywhere on your page!

At home in my personal time I tend to spend a lot of time on LiveJournal, simply because of it's communities, this is a great place to get to know others who have similar interests and find a lot of great stories to read (yes I admit it I am a fanfic junkie :oo but with so much out there and so many talented writers who wouldn't be!).

But the thing that I really enjoy is the ability to share not only your thoughts but videos, photos and so much more!

So step out, take control and share your thoughts, words and workplace!

Welcome to the wonderful, and growing, world of blogging!

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