Thursday, April 3, 2008


I've just added two links at the bottom of my blog for sites that I think are great!

One is for a site called Zoho, it is a free web-based word processor with so much more. It is great for those of you who are using multiple computers and don't have access to networks or flash drives (or can't be bothered to track your flash drive down). You don't need to install anything on your computer to use it, all you need is an internet connection (how good is that for all of those who aren't allowed to install ANYTHING on your computers!). Check it out.
The second link I have added is for a site called Angry Alien Productions. This is a very entertaining site, especially if you want to see a movie but don't have time to watch the whole thing. These are 30 second cut downs of movies using annimated bunnies as the actors. No movie is safe from these bunnies as they have done things like Broke Back Mountain, all three Spiderman movies and the Rocky Horror Show.
Angry Alien Production
Check them out and enjoy!

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