Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ok so I've just spent some time (ok so more than I probably should have) looking at some of the blogs that people are keeping for the Learning 2.0 and I have to say I'm so impressed with most of the entries! Being so far away from others out here you tend to get a little isolated and forget that there are other people out there doing the same things as you! But I've had a great time surfing around, checking out what people are thinking about the course so far and some of their own experiences.

Ok so this is not my first blog (my main blog is over at Live Journal - very cool site to play on), and I've played with most of the things the course covers, even if it is to to be able to say that hey yeah I've seen it and I know it's there. But this going to be so much fun, and give me the added confidence to share my knowledge with both other staff members and our public :o) My other blog is mainly concerned with fanfiction, both my own and using it to keep track of groups with like interests. So checking out other blogs that are kind of more serious in nature has been great and has had the added bonus of making me actually want to surf outside of my comfort zones again, which I haven't done out of work time for ages...you know how it is. You get your favourite sites and you stick to them.

I found it really interesting reading the 7 1/2 habits of Life Long Learning, it's interesting how today these habits are so common, most people tend to take them for granted! But that is what habits are all about I suppose.

As for Week 2's session, Blog, I like many others (or so I've been reading) have severly underestimated the uses and varity of blogs that are out there. However I have to agree with some people about Technorati, I found it kind of frustrating. Maybe it was just the way that I was searching, but I tended to find a lot of crud before I found anything even remotly close to what I was looking for. But as with most things I guess the more you play with it the easier it will be to use it :o)

So now it's off to either do some more work....or maybe I'll just start Week 3's session......


pls@slnsw said...

You've highlighted one of the features of the program - it doesn't matter where you are, you know that in libraries across the state, more than 600 (and counting) other staff are getting in there for a play.

And you're right - you can get stuck on your favourite sites, so this is a good 'work-sanctioned' opportunity to get out and investigate!


wscaster said...

lol I like the "work-sanctioned" comment :o) but it's also good to have some guidance available and see other peoples comments about what they've found and problems they have had as well. It's going to be a great way to build up a bigger support system...anyway onwards into the net I say!