Real Simple Syndication it may be called but is it really simple? Not really, yes I now understand it better (and have used it in the passed with iTunes and on Live Journal) but again had't made the best use of it. I hadn't realsied just how many different things now use RSS, but again as with so many things on the internet it takes luck and a fair bit of talent to find what you are looking for. Using Bloglines took a little getting used to, and I actually found that using the reader that goes with google and gmail to be much easier to navigate. But I stuck with Bloglines and eventually found what I was looking for.
I started off simple, signed up and took their 2 second tour to try and learn as much as I could and then thought let the fun begin! But the fun took a little while to find me, so I decided to go through some of their suggestions, top 1000 (not bad, some fun stuff like Comedy Central Videos and a few cartoon type things), National Geographic (which is always fun to look at and read), The Shifed Librarian (which just caught my eye at the time, not bad play with either) and a few others. Then I thought it was time to get back on track and check out some of the RSS that Learning 2.0 recommended.
Frustration, you have a new home! Ok so it took me a few minutes to work out how to actually search for RSS's (if you aren't at the top of the page that little search box hides really well), and then it took me a while longer to sort through all the stuff that it chucked at me (didn't realise you had to tell it to search for RSS or blogs etc) and then finding where to click to actually add something to your feed (each one seemed to be just that bit different! Some were so easy and others you had to hunt for). But on top of that was all those fun side tracks that you get detoured onto while searching (lots of fun).
So I added the Powerhouse photo of the day RSS, and isn't that just such a cool site! Loved looking at some of those pictures.....Then moved onto the SMH, took me a few minutes to figure out how to add that one (maybe I'm just a little slow today) but I like catching up on the headlines (usually just catch them as I start my browser up) so I stuck with it and eventually got there (big sigh). And for last I left my favourite site the ABS, I'm not a fan of the ABS site and even checking out the ABS for libraries blog/feed I had to say I'm still not impressed, but that's just me....The mention of doing an ABS search still sends dread through me.....
As for the use of RSS for libraries, well I can see a use for library personel, keeping up to date with news and other libraries and making people aware for of them. I had fun seeing what others were up to, the news, the tech etc and learned a few things along the way that I'll definately be passing on to others both at work and at home.
So that's all for the Explore part of week 4, and now onto the Adventure part!